Genre: Hip Hop
Hip Hop music is characterized by its rhythmic beats, lyrical flow, and powerful storytelling. Emerging from the streets of New York City, this genre blends elements of rap, DJing, graffiti art, and breakdancing to create a vibrant cultural movement. Hip Hop is known for its dynamic beats, innovative production techniques, and impactful lyrics that often reflect social issues and personal experiences. Whether you’re looking to produce hard-hitting tracks, laid-back grooves, or thought-provoking anthems, Hip Hop provides a rich landscape for creativity. On our site, you can find a diverse collection of Hip Hop acapellas to enhance your music tracks and create captivating remixes.
102 D major 57 Hip Hop, Jazz
154 C♯/D♭ major 68 Hip Hop, Pop, R&B
106 B minor 56 Hip Hop, Pop, R&B
150 B major 51 Electronic, Hip Hop, Pop
89 A♯/B♭ major 42 Alternative Rock, Hip Hop, Pop Punk
120 A major 32 Alternative Rock, Hip Hop, Pop
94 F minor 30 Alternative Rock, Hip Hop, Indie
94 F♯/G♭ major 15 Alternative Rock, Hip Hop
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