Genre: Soul
Soul music is renowned for its deep emotion, rich vocals, and powerful expression. Originating from the African American experience, this genre blends elements of gospel, rhythm and blues, and jazz to create a heartfelt and moving sound. Soul music is characterized by its passionate performances, lyrical depth, and smooth, melodic instrumentation. Whether you’re looking to create a touching ballad, a stirring anthem, or a groovy tune, soul music provides a rich foundation. On our site, you can find a diverse collection of soul acapellas to enhance your music tracks and craft soulful remixes.
130 C minor 62 Pop, R&B, Soul
123 F minor 26 Pop, R&B, Soul
118 G major 68 Pop, R&B, Soul
111 G♯/A♭ minor 63 Hip Hop, R&B, Soul
123 B major 1 Pop, R&B, Soul
170 G major 18 Pop, R&B, Soul
154 D major 68 Pop, R&B, Soul
127 D♯/E♭ minor 18 Pop, R&B, Soul
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